| | Yamim Tovim
No. of folder on the phone : 10422
| |
| | Harav Dovid Menachem Roth - Halacha Yomi (134 Shiurim)
No. of folder on the phone : 11329
| |
| | Harav Chaim Halperin - Halacha in English (18 Shiurim)
No. of folder on the phone : 11546
| |
| | Daily mishna brurah, Dirshu (64 Shiurim)
No. of folder on the phone : 12195
| |
| | Harav Shlomo Yitzchak
No. of folder on the phone : 12298
| |
| | Harav Elchanan Arera - Halacha (2 Shiurim)
No. of folder on the phone : 12307
| |
| | Harav Ilan Halberstadt - Halacha (7 Shiurim)
No. of folder on the phone : 12308
| |
| | Harav Dovid Tugendhaft - Mishna Berurah by Dirshu order (48 Shiurim)
No. of folder on the phone : 12311
| |
| | Harav Doniel Grunewald - Halacha (16 Shiurim)
No. of folder on the phone : 12317
| |
| | Harav Simcha Bunim Cohen - Shiur in Mishnah Berurah & Hashkafa
No. of folder on the phone : 17122
| |
| | Harav Moshe Halperin - Halacha (11 Shiurim)
No. of folder on the phone : 12320
| |
| | Harav Ephraim Goldstein shiurim in Mishna Berura
No. of folder on the phone : 17231
| |
| | Harav Dov Kahan - Halacha
No. of folder on the phone : 17255
| |
| | Harav Chaim Weg - Hilchos Shabbos (108 Shiurim)
No. of folder on the phone : 17352
| |
| | Harav Shlomo Pearl zt"l - Halacha
No. of folder on the phone : 17363
| |
| | Mishna Berurah Dirshu shiurim in English
No. of folder on the phone : 17601
| |
| | Kollel Connection
No. of folder on the phone : 18862
| |
| | HaRav Gabi Fried - Halacha
No. of folder on the phone : 18868
| |
| | Ohr Chaim Learning Center - Halacha
No. of folder on the phone : 18964
| |
| | Harav Yosef Viener - Shiurim on Halacha
No. of folder on the phone : 18974
| |
| | Harav Chaim Wasserman - Shulchan Aruch (183 Shiurim)
No. of folder on the phone : 18981
| |
| | Harav Mendel Epstein - Halacha (30 Shiurim)
No. of folder on the phone : 18986
| |
| | Harav Yisroel Belsky zt"l - Halacha (25 Shiurim)
No. of folder on the phone : 18988
| |
| | Rav Yitzchak Berkovits - Mishna Brurah
No. of folder on the phone : 18990
| |
| | Harav Shalom Dov Israel Aharon Goldberger - Halacha (9 Shiurim)
No. of folder on the phone : 19209
| |
| | Harav Yehuda Blum - Shiurim in Mishnah Berura (103 Shiurim)
No. of folder on the phone : 19211
| |
| | Harav Pinchas Bodner Shiurim in Halacha (13 Shiurim)
No. of folder on the phone : 19225
| |
| | Rabbi Aryeh Leib Paretzky
No. of folder on the phone : 19227
| |
| | Harav Chaim Zev Kirshenbaum
No. of folder on the phone : 19236
| |
| | Harav Hillel Feldman - Mishnah Berurah
No. of folder on the phone : 19333
| |
| | Bais Horaah of Lakewood (4 Shiurim)
No. of folder on the phone : 19444
| |
| | Harav Aryeh Kerzner - Halacha (28 Shiurim)
No. of folder on the phone : 19446
| |
| | Harav Akiva Steinman - Halacha (7 Shiurim)
No. of folder on the phone : 19449
| |
| | Harav Yaakov Akiva Sofer - Halacha (40 Shiurim)
No. of folder on the phone : 19452
| |
| | Harav Avi Gold - Halacha
No. of folder on the phone : 19461
| |
| | The Mitzvah of Yishuv Eretz Yisroel
No. of folder on the phone : 359425
| |
| | Harav Yisroel Yosef Adams - Halacha (28 Shiurim)
No. of folder on the phone : 105576
| |
| | Rambam Hilchos Shemita
No. of folder on the phone : 105104
| |
| | Harav Zolly Kleiman - Hilchos Bosor Vecholov (1 Shiur)
No. of folder on the phone : 105577
| |
| | Harav Asher Weiss - Halacha in English
No. of folder on the phone : 105133
| |
| | Harav Reuven Mendelowitz - Hilchos Stam (4 Shiurim)
No. of folder on the phone : 105578
| |
| | Harav Yoel More - Sefer Chafetz Chaim (English)
No. of folder on the phone : 105135
| |
| | HaRav Mandelbaum - Hilchos Brachos from Sefer V'zos Habracha (13 Shiurim)
No. of folder on the phone : 105148
| |
| | Harav Chagai Preshel - Halacha in English (5 Shiurim)
No. of folder on the phone : 105579
| |
| | Harav Zelig Kossowski - Halacha in English, Harav Elyashiv's zt"l ruling (9 Shiurim)
No. of folder on the phone : 105580
| |
| | The Mikdash and its vessels, the service of sacrifices – shiurim with visual illustration
No. of folder on the phone : 321572
| |
| | Harav Avraham Cohen Levin - Daily Limud Mishna B'rura
No. of folder on the phone : 105581
| |
| | Limud Mishnah Berurah in Order (1 Shiur)
No. of folder on the phone : 105585
| |
| | Harav Pesach Eliyohu Falk zt"l - Shiur in Halacha (1802 Shiurim)
No. of folder on the phone : 10432
| |
| | Horav Bentzion Weitz - Halacha
No. of folder on the phone : 10864
| |
| | Harav David Kahn - Halacha
No. of folder on the phone : 11054
| |
| | Short shiurim in Halacha
No. of folder on the phone : 386568
| |
| | HaRav Berel Knopfler - Halacha Shiur
No. of folder on the phone : 11074
| |
| | R' Refoel Godlevsky - weekly halochoh (140 Shiurim)
No. of folder on the phone : 11188
| |
| | Shiur Halacha - Yeshivas Mir, Yerushalayim
No. of folder on the phone : 105150
| |
| | Harav Aharon Dovid Dunner - halacha (413 Shiurim)
No. of folder on the phone : 11203
| |
| | Harav Nissan Kaplan
No. of folder on the phone : 105321
| |
| | Harav Moshe Goldberger - Shiurim on Sefer Mitzvos Hakatzar (369 Shiurim)
No. of folder on the phone : 16453
| |
| | R Yaakov Hamer - Halochoh
No. of folder on the phone : 11225
| |
| | Harav Daniel Goldschmidt
No. of folder on the phone : 105474
| |
| | Harav Dovid Spiro - Halacha (98 Shiurim)
No. of folder on the phone : 11317
| |
| | Harav Avraham Horwitz (16 Shiurim)
No. of folder on the phone : 105526
| |
| | Irgun Shiurai Torah - Shiurai Halacha in Englishi
No. of folder on the phone : 213235
| |
| | Harav Osher Yakov Westheim Zt''l - Halacha
No. of folder on the phone : 11345
| |
| | Harav Amiram - Choshen Mishpat - English (2 Shiurim)
No. of folder on the phone : 11377
| |
| | Reb Chaim Kraus
No. of folder on the phone : 11380
| |
| | Harav Yaakov Kaplan - Halacha in English
No. of folder on the phone : 105530
| |
| | HaRav V'reshner- Hilchos Shabbos (30 Shiurim)
No. of folder on the phone : 11434
| |
| | Harav Amitai Ben David, author of Shchitas Chulin - Halacha (3 Shiurim)
No. of folder on the phone : 105532
| |
| | HaRav Posen - Choshen Mishpat (41 Shiurim)
No. of folder on the phone : 11435
| |
| | Harav Avi Wiesenfeld - Halacha
No. of folder on the phone : 105533
| |
| | Kneset Yechzkel London
No. of folder on the phone : 11438
| |
| | Harav Shmuel Lafayer - Hilchos Bein Adam Lachaveiro in English (37 Shiurim)
No. of folder on the phone : 105534
| |
| | Harav Yonoson Moller - Kitzur Shulchan Aruch Yomi
No. of folder on the phone : 16485
| |
| | Harav Moshe Reich - shiurim in Halacha in English
No. of folder on the phone : 105535
| |
| | Harav Daniel Orzel (54 Shiurim)
No. of folder on the phone : 11535
| |
| | Halacha Shiurim on the Maseches - Harav Baruch Horwitz (4 Shiurim)
No. of folder on the phone : 105538
| |
| | Harav Avreimi Blau - Halacha
No. of folder on the phone : 11544
| |
| | Be'er HaTorah- Halacha (7 Shiurim)
No. of folder on the phone : 11552
| |
| | Harav Eliyahu Falk - Bedikas Toloim (9 Shiurim)
No. of folder on the phone : 11555
| |
| | Harav Dovid Yitschak Matthews
No. of folder on the phone : 105540
| |
| | Harav Gershon Hager - Halacha (29 Shiurim)
No. of folder on the phone : 11559
| |
| | Harav Yaakov Gurwitz - Shaatnez (2 Shiurim)
No. of folder on the phone : 105542
| |
| | Harav Menachem Lieberman - Mishnah Beruroh
No. of folder on the phone : 11564
| |
| | Harav Eliezer Lieberman
No. of folder on the phone : 329216
| |
| | Horav Dov Oppenheimer, Halocho (8 Shiurim)
No. of folder on the phone : 11972
| |
| | Horav Yosef Pearlman, Tefilloh (6 Shiurim)
No. of folder on the phone : 11977
| |
| | Harav Moshe Rabinowitz (218 Shiurim)
No. of folder on the phone : 105545
| |
| | Harav Eliezer Ginsberg - Shiurim in Rambam, Hilchos Shabbos (287 Shiurim)
No. of folder on the phone : 16550
| |
| | Dayan Dovid Greenhouse - Yarchei Kallah: Halacha (267 Shiurim)
No. of folder on the phone : 11978
| |
| | Harav Dovid Roberts, Dirshu Halochoh Yomi in English (53 Shiurim)
No. of folder on the phone : 11993
| |
| | Horav Avrohom Heckscher - Weekly halocho shiur (48 Shiurim)
No. of folder on the phone : 12001
| |
| | Choishen Mishpot chaburois (7 Shiurim)
No. of folder on the phone : 12002
| |
| | Reb Moshe Knopfler, Mishne Brurah (101 Shiurim)
No. of folder on the phone : 12003
| |
| | Harav Chaim Mordechai Turin - Daily Mishna B'rura
No. of folder on the phone : 16614
| |
| | Weekly topical shiur (3 Shiurim)
No. of folder on the phone : 12010
| |
| | Horav Yosef Chaim Maimaran - Choshen Mishpot (3 Shiurim)
No. of folder on the phone : 12011
| |
| | Harav Shraga Kallus - Halacha
No. of folder on the phone : 12013
| |
| | Harav Zev Davis - Hilchos Tefilo in Mishne Berura and other sources
No. of folder on the phone : 386409
| |
| | R Moshe Betzalel Grosnass
No. of folder on the phone : 12272
| |
| | Harav Yitzchak Bodner - Daily Halacha by Seder Dirshu
No. of folder on the phone : 12278
| |
| | Harav Yankel Goldberg - Inyonei Tefillah in Beis Shmuel N.W. London (5 Shiurim)
No. of folder on the phone : 12288
| |
| | Harav Eliezer Schneebalg - Rav of Machazikei Haddass Edgware (2 Shiurim)
No. of folder on the phone : 12291
| |
| | Harav Yossi Mor - Halacha by Seder Dirshu
No. of folder on the phone : 12293
| |
| | Reb Yosef Viener - Shiurim on Tefillah (30 Shiurim)
No. of folder on the phone : 17117
| |
| | Harav Aharon Basous - Sefer Ben Ish Chai (33 Shiurim)
No. of folder on the phone : 12305
| |
| | Rav Yissochor Frand - Halacha (6 Shiurim)
No. of folder on the phone : 19530
| |
| | Harav Eliezer Zeytouneh - Mishna Brura (21 Shiurim)
No. of folder on the phone : 19532
| |
| | Harav Ben Tzion Gips - Halacha (3 Shiurim)
No. of folder on the phone : 19564
| |
| | Harav Aharon Kahn - Halacha
No. of folder on the phone : 19565
| |
| | Harav Moshe Tuvia Lieff - Halacha (54 Shiurim)
No. of folder on the phone : 19583
| |
| | Business Halacha institute
No. of folder on the phone : 19589
| |
| | Harav Leibel Williger - Halacha in English (20 Shiurim)
No. of folder on the phone : 19656
| |
| | Harav Asher David (Yeshiva Emek Halacha) (27 Shiurim)
No. of folder on the phone : 19659
| |
| | Harav Shloime Hoff
No. of folder on the phone : 200486
| |
| | Harav Moshe Sternbuch - Halacha (23 Shiurim)
No. of folder on the phone : 218476
| |
| | Rabbi Osher Baddiel Zt"l sefer hachinuch shiur (32 Shiurim)
No. of folder on the phone : 222303
| |
| | Harav Steward Simon - Halacha (1 Shiur)
No. of folder on the phone : 14857
| |
| | OU Kasherus Shiurim (8 Shiurim)
No. of folder on the phone : 25995
| |
| | Harav Zeev Katzenelbogen - Windows from Jerusalem – a Jewish look into the Holy City (7 Shiurim)
No. of folder on the phone : 294644
| |
| | הרב יצחק חיים דוד כהן - הלכה
No. of folder on the phone : 296119
| |
| | Harav Chanoch greenblatt
No. of folder on the phone : 194414
| |
| | הרב יצחק אהרן קרמר - משנה ברורה באנגלית
No. of folder on the phone : 317742
| |
| | Harav Shlomo Luria - Halacha in English
No. of folder on the phone : 360112
| |